Vice-Rector for Science, Innovation and International Relations, Ph.D., Sciences, Associate Professor Z.Z. Nasriddinov, from January 11 to 13, 2021, held a working meeting with the scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculties of Metallurgy, Electromechanics and Mining.
During the meeting, the vice-rector discussed the report on the results of the scientific work of faculty teachers according to individual plans for September-December 2020, which included the final nature of five-year research and analyzed the results. The vice-rector summed up the results of the work done separately for each department and individually in the person of each teacher of the department. It was noted that on the basis of this planned research, group monographs have been developed, which is a source of pride and a sign of the effective work of the departments of faculties.
Also, the vice-rector, considering the development of plans for the next five years, noted that each head of the department is obliged to visit industrial enterprises of the country and plan research work in accordance with the real problems of industrial enterprises. When planning and choosing the directions of scientific work, one should choose relevant and industry-specific topics. In January, at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute, planned scientific works for the period 2021-2025 are discussed.
Nasriddinov Z.Z., speaking about further changes in the field of scientific activity, control and implementation, noted that in the future, the individual plans of teachers will be developed by the science department and sent to the departments for implementation. An individual plan will also be drawn up for internal part-time teachers. From now on, an interim summary of the scientific activities of teachers will be held every three months.
The Department of Science, Innovation and International Relations once again called on the heads of the departments to constantly monitor the implementation of future research plans, scientific activities, scientific commitments and individual plans.