The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences has awarded a Tajik inventor with a certificate and a medal named after Alfred Nobel and a cash prize for his effective role in the development of the invention, higher education and the compliance of his books and scientific work with international standards.
Abdusafo Umarjonov, a candidate of technical sciences and dean of the metallurgy faculty at the Tajik Mining-Metallurgical Institute in Buston, told Asia-Plus that he was awarded the A.Sh. The Nobel Academy is announcing an international competition to win the prize this year among experts from post-Soviet countries. He said that during his 35-year career as a teacher, he has written about 60 textbooks, articles and a monograph and has several patents for inventions. However, not all of his 5 books and textbooks related to the training of world-class inventors in higher education have been published.
Last year he wrote and wanted to publish the book “Fundamentals of the Theory of Inventive Problems”. However, the former rector did not allow him to publish because it was in Russian and told him to translate it into Tajik, and now he is in charge of this. He has written several books to prepare inventors in accordance with international standards, but not all of them have been published. The Russian Academy of Sciences told him that they would help him to publish his books. ”
Umarjonov added that the advantage of his achievements is that, unlike other specialists in the field of technology, he has developed educational programs and textbooks, which mainly teach the technology approach to the theory of solving inventive problems.
Abdusafo Umarjonov says there is no separate chapter in this field, but he teaches world-class methodology at the institute to students and inventors, and foreign experts are happy to do the same.
In 2019, the Mining-Metallurgical Institute of Tajikistan on the basis of educational technology Abdusafo Umarjonov received a project worth 3.5 million Somoni, with which the laboratory was renovated and purchased special equipment for it, and now there are conditions for scientific work.
“According to the CDIO (International Standard for Engineering Education), he is preparing the educational process in the specialty of non-ferrous metallurgy of the institute to world standards,” – said the innovative master.
Abdusafo Umarjonov holds more than a dozen invention patents, one of which is called “Cotton Ginning Basin”, and currently in one of the ginneries of Jabbor Rasulov district through this machine separates cotton from stems.
In 2009 he was named the best inventor of the year in Sughd region.