According to the plan of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Tajikistan, on April 6, a regular meeting of the Council was held, at which members of the Council – heads of the education department, deans of faculties, heads of departments took part.
Important issues were discussed at the meeting, such as a) the activities of scientific circles operating at the departments, b) the process of teaching undergraduates and doctoral students (PhD), c) the use of modern teaching methods and educational and methodological work of teachers. These and other important issues were analyzed by the members of the Council.
Chairman of the Council, Professor Nasriddinov Z.Z. gave specific instructions to officials in order to promptly eliminate existing shortcomings. Then the speaker summarized the issues under consideration and the activities of some structures and emphasized that the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Honorary Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon pays special attention to the education sector. Therefore, we, educators, must redouble our efforts to develop this area, increase the level of knowledge and literacy of the younger generation, and improve the level and quality of education.